My Deep Sky Observations with the ZWO ASI224 (Complete List of Observed DSO)

List of Observed Sky Objects | Remarks | References


Between the end of April 2021 and mid-April 2022, I owned an ZWO ASI224MC camera for taking photos of deep sky objects. On this page, I collected most of the sky objects that I visited with the ASI224. Since I did a lot of testing with this camera, the observations are not well documented.

Note: As I sold my ZWO ASI224MC camera in mid-April 2022, no more new photos will be added.

See also

The linked object numbers lead to the detail pages for the respective objects; these typically contain at least one photo from each observation sesssion as well as further information about the object.

List of Observed Sky Objects

Object details can be obtained using the links to the relevant deep sky objects. Smaller sky objects that are also included in photos are usually not listed on their own.

DSO Details
Name Constellation Type Tube Photo Remarks
M 2   Aquarius KS PS72 Core washed out
M 11 Wild Duck Cluster Scutum OC PS72, TLAPO1207 Good!
M 13 Hercules Cluster Hercules GC PS72, C5, TLAPO1207 Partly very good!
M 15   Pegasus KS PS72 Core washed out
M 16 Eagle Nebula Serpens GN TLAPO1207 --- Not as good as usually...
M 17 Omega/Swan Nebula Sagittarius GN TLAPO1207 Very nice
M 20 Trifid Nebula Sagittarius GN TLAPO1207 Too bright and washed out (too low, sky too bright)
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula PN PS72, C5, TLAPO1207 In part very nice and large
M 42/43 Orion Nebula Orion GN PS72 Mostly rather disappointing
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy Canes Venatici G PS72, C5, TLAPO1207 Early results differed, but not as good as in the eVscope
M 57 Ring Nebula Lyra PN TLAPO1207 Washed out
M 65   Leo G PS72 Disappointing, together with M 66
M 66   Leo G PS72 Disappointing, together with M 65
M 71   Sagitta GC PS72 Nice
M 78   Orion GN PS72 Faint and noisy
M 81 Bode Galaxy Ursa Major G PS72 Faint, poor Tracking
M 82 Cigar Galaxy Ursa Major G PS72 Quite OK
M 92   Hercules GC PS72, C5, TLAPO1207 Nice
M 95   Leo G PS72 Disappointing
M 96   Leo G PS72 Disappointing
M 105   Leo G PS72 Disappointing, together with NGC 3384 and NGC 3389
NGC 2024 Flame Nebula Orion GN PS72 Faint, found via Alnitak
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster Monoceros OC PS72 --- Only the star cluster is visible on the photo
NGC 3628   Leo G PS72 Disappointing, noisy; seen edge on
NGC 6041 Abell 2151, Hercules Cluster Hercules G, GH PS72 --- Targeted "blindly"...
NGC 7317 Stephan's Quintet Pegasus G PS72 --- Targeted "blindly"...

G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GN = galactic nebula, GE = galactic emission nebula, GR = galactic reflection nebula, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, SC = star cloud, HII = HII region (emission nebula in other galaxies), P = planet, M = moon




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