My Deep Sky Observations with the Atik Infinity (Complete List of Observed DSO)

List of Observed Sky Objects | Remarks | References


Between the end of November 2017 and the beginning of January 2023, I owned an Atik Infinity camera for taking photos of deep sky objects.. On this page, I collected all the sky objects that I visited with the Atik Infinity.

Note: As I sold my Atik Infinity camera at the beginning of January 2023, no more new photos will be added.

See also

The linked object numbers lead to the detail pages for the respective objects; these typically contain at least one photo from each observation sesssion as well as further information about the object.


List of Observed Sky Objects

I visited (and documented) the following sky objects with the Atik Infinity camera:

Object details can be obtained using the links to the relevant deep sky objects. Smaller sky objects that are also included in photos are usually not listed on their own.

DSO Details
Name Constellation Type Tube(s) Photo Remarks
B 33 Horse Head Nebula Orion DN PS72 --- Observed together with NGC 2024; only to be guessed...
M 1 Crab Nebula Taurus SR 150PDS, PS72 Faint, but identifiable; small in PS72; supernova remnant
M 15   Pegasus GC 150PDS, 100P, C8 Usable and identifiable
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula PN 150PDS, 100P Very pale, no bright photo achieved
M 31/32 Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda G SM127, PS72

Because of M 31's size, I was only able to photograph a part of it; I saw M 32 for the first time; together with M 32 in PS72

M 35   Gemini OC 150PDS, C5R, TLAPO1027, PS72 Usable and identifiable; also missed the target once; not as nice as expected in 2021; together with OC NGC 2158 in PS72
M 36   Auriga OC 150PDS, PS72 Usable and identifiable; once found as "M 38"... OK with PS72
M 37   Auriga OC 150PDS, PS72 Usable and identifiable; also missed the target once; OK with PS72
M 38   Auriga OC 150PDS, PS72 Usable and identifiable; also missed the target once (got M 36 instead...); OK with PS72
M 41   Canis Major OC 150PDS, C8R Missed the target on the first attempt, second attempt OK; missed with C8R
M 42/43 Orion Nebula Orion GE 150PDS, C8R, C5R, PS72, TLAPO1027 So far the most beautiful deep sky object, but not as colorful as on many photos; the nebula is relatively differentiated on the photos (after post-processing); better than the eVscope (in 2021); rather good in PS72 (2022)
M 45 Pleiades Taurus OC 150PDS, SM127, C5R, PS72 Too large for the image section, but identifiable; too extended for the C5R
M 47   Puppis OC 150PDS --- Missed the target...
M 50   Monoceros OC 150PDS Missed the target on the first attempt, second attempt OK, third one failed again...
M 51 Whirlpool Galaxy Canes Venatici G PS72 Small
M 56   Perseus GC 150PDS, 100P Usable and identifiable
M 57 Ring Nebula Lyra PN 150PDS, 100P

Amazingly easy to recognize, even with blurred images

M 65   Leo G PS72 Together with M 66 on photo
M 66   Leo G PS72 Together with M 65 on photo
M 71   Sagitta GC 150PDS Usable and identifiable
M 78   Orion GN C5R, PS72, TLAPO1027, PS72 Basically faint and noisy with all tubes...
M 81 Bode Galaxy Ursa Major G PS72 Relatively small
M 82 Cigar Galaxy Ursa Major G PS72 Small
M 84   Virgo G PS72 Together with M 86 as "Great Galactic Face"
M 86   Virgo G PS72 Together with M 84 as "Great Galactic Face"
M 87   Virgo G PS72 Center of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster
M 93   Puppis OC 150PDS --- Missed the target...
M 97 Owl Nebula Ursa Major PN PS72 At the edge...
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy Ursa Major G PS72 Very faint
M 105   Leo G C5R, PS72 Bright elliptical galaxy; can be seen together with the galaxies NGC 3384 (elliptical) and the smaller NGC 3389 (spiral) in the same field of view.
M 108   Ursa Major G PS72 Edge-on
NGC 1499 California Nebula Perseus GN PS72 --- Only poor photos...
NGC 1977 Running Man Nebula Orion GN PS72, TLAPO1027 Recognizable, particularly with the TLAPO1027
NGC 2024 Flame Nebula Orion OC C8R, PS72, TLAPO1027 Faint
NGC 2244   Monoceros OC PS72 Only the star cluster is visible on the photo
NGC 2264 Christmas Tree Cluster Monoceros OC 150PDS, C8R, PS72 Find verified; missed with C8R; only the star cluster is visible on the PS72 photo
NGC 3344   Leo G PS72 Very small
NGC 3384   Leo G C5R The galaxies NGC 3384 (elliptical) and the smaller NGC 3389 (spiral) can be seen together with the galaxy M 105 in the same field of view. NGC 3384 is to the left of M 105.
NGC 3389   Leo G C5R The galaxies NGC 3384 (elliptical) and the smaller NGC 3389 (spiral) can be seen together with the galaxy M 105 in the same field of view. NGC 3389 is below NGC 3384.
NGC 3628   Leo G PS72 As triplet with M 65/66, seen edge-on
Moon       150PDS The photos are not really sharp

G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GN = galactic nebula, GE = galactic emission nebula, GR = galactic reflection nebula, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, SC = star cloud, SR = supernova remnant, HII = HII region (emission nebula in other galaxies), P = planet, M = moon




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