Deep Sky Observations with Vespera Pro May to August 2024

Conditions | Observation Overview | List of Observed Sky Objects | References

Since the beginning of May 2024, I own a Vaonis Vespera Pro telescope for observing and taking photos of deep sky objects. On this page, I collect information about observations beginning with May 2024, ending with July 2024. The photos that were taken during this phase are presented elsewhere (on the detail pages for the DSO).



Sky Region and Objects

From May to July 2024, I observed mostly the following sky area (some observed objects are indicated):

Click the map for a larger version - it opens in a new window (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,

Observation Time

The observations in this phase took place between May and July 2024 on. They typically took place shortly after dusk, when it was sufficiently dark for a successful initialization of the Vespera Pro. In May, this was typically after 10 p.m., later even after 10:30 p.m.. At the end of June, beginning of July the observations started around midnight!

Observation Location

The observations took place in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau (Germany):

Equipment Used

When observing with the Vespera Pro, I only needed the Vespera Pro and my iPhone or iPad. Sometimes, I used the Gitzo Systematic High Tripod that I had acquired for my Vespera (Pro). Moreover, I purchased filters for the Vespera (Pro) that I did not use during these observations.

General Conditions

In general, the sky above Mühlhausen/Kraichgau is "light-polluted" (SQM 20.5) and does not invite you to search for deep sky objects. For astro photography, however, light pollution is not as disturbing as for visual observations.


Observation Overview

Observation Dates

Observed Objects Observed Objects, Details Remarks Further Remarks
May 9
Sun Sun in the late afternoon

Initiualization did not work in the evening/night (several attempts)

Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad Initiualization did not work in the evening/night (several attempts, did not turn it off...)
May 10
G: M 81, M 82, M 95, M 96, M 105, NGC 3077 Order:
M 95, M 96, M 105, plus many smaller galaxies (mosaic, 49 min)
M 81, M 82, NGC 3077, plus some smaller galaxies (mosaic, 60 min)
Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad Initialization worked on the first go.

M 95/96: mosaic, observed from 8:15 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (49 min)
M 81/82: mosaic, observed from 9:35 p.m. to 2:15 a.m. (60 min)

Potentially polar lights disturbing...

May 12
G: M 63, M 64 Order:
M 64 (Black Eye Galaxy; 30 min)
M 63 (Sunflower Galaxy; 4 min)
Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad Initialization problems: First initialization aborted, then reinitialized. Aborted again, shut down (switched off) and restarted. Then it worked on the 1st attempt. SQM 19.7-8 (shortly before 11 p.m.)

M 64 (30 min rec., from 10:45 p.m.): quickly visible, even the typical appearance... Stooped after 30 min (as recommended), still very noisy at the end; some clouds, especially at the end.
M 63 (30 min rec., from 11:25 p.m.): also very noisy at the beginning. Then went to bed (11:30 p.m.) and left Vespera alone outside. Did not realize that the observation had already been interrupted after 4 minutes due to clouds (I guess)!!!

May 13
G: M 51, M 64, M 65, M 66, NGC 3628 Order:
M 51 (7.5 min)
M 64 (30 min, as rec.)
M 65/66, NGC 3628 (Leo Triplet; mosaic, aborted after 8 min)
M 65/66, NGC 3628 (Leo Triplet; mosaic, automatically aborted after more than 2 h)
Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad First initialization worked (around 10 p.m.)! But the telescope did not find any targets (M 64, M 63, M 51). Then I switched the Vespera Pro off, new initialization, forever "Focus correction", briefly "New Star pattern analysis", then "Autofocus" (SQM 19.5 at 10:40 p.m.).

M 51 (30 min rec.): from 10:42/SQM 19.5; galaxy immediately recognizable, but very noisy, somehow double images; AF started with restart (after 10:45 p.m.), finished after 7:50 min
M 63 (30 min rec.): from 11:10/19.8: as noisy as everything so far, initially multiple contours in the noise pattern, up to 30 min (rec.)
M 65/66/NGC 3628 (M 65 30 min rec.): mosaic, aborted after about 8 min
M 65/66/NGC 3628 (M 65 30 min rec.): mosaic, continued overnight: 750 frames = 2:05 hours exposure; was 812 frames (3 hours) incl. unstacked frames; sky too bright at the end - from about 300 frames = 50 min

May 14
G: M 64, M 84, M 86, M 104 Order:
M 104: 30 min (as rec.), initially, bright stars have "partners"
M 64: initially very noisy, 30 min (as rec.), still noisy
M 86 / Markarian's Chain with M 84 and more (mosaic, 30 min as rec. for M 86)
Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad Software updated, initialization worked at the first attempt (10:04 p.m.)

M 104 (30 min rec.): from 10:14/17.7, 10:20/18.2, 10:40/19.1-19.2; 30 min, initially very bright stars have "doubles"
M 64 (30 min rec.): from 10:50/19.2; very noisy at the beginning, 30 min
M 86 / Markarian's chain (30 min rec. for M 86): from 11:30 p.m.; mosaic, 30 min, also noisy...

May 22, 2024 G: M 101, M 106, M 108, NGC 4565
PN: M 97
M 101 (21 min)
M 106 (30 min as rec.)
NGC 4565 (20 min)
M 97/108 (9 min)
Vespera Pro; adjustable tripod; iPad Too bright for first initialization (about 10 p.m.); second initalization worked (shortly after, different direction); nearly full moon

M 101 (30 min rec.): from 10:10, 10:18/16.8, 10:30/17.8; 11:45/18.4; 21 min observed; 2nd attempt did not work well (shown in orange), quickly aborted...
M 106 (30 min rec.): about 11 p.m., 11:30/18.8, 30 min
NGC 4565 (30 min rec.): 11:40/18.6, aborted after 20 min, clouds in the South
M 97/108 (30 min rec.): 00:05 a.m./18.6, smallest mosaic; aborted after 9 min because of clouds in the SW.

May 25
G: M 51, M 108, NGC 4631
PN: M 97
NGC 4631/4656 (30 min as rec.)
NGC 4631/4656 (25 min)
M97/108 (25 min)
M 51 (82 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from about 10:20 p.m., SQM 16.7); several days after full moon (full moon very low)

NGC 4631/4656 (30 min rec., normal): 10:30/17.4 > 18.6, 19.2 > 11:00/19.5, until 11:05 p.m.
NGC 4631/4656 (30 min rec., mini mosaic): from 11:08/19.8, 11:15/20, 11:25/20.1, stopped after 25 min/2 rounds
M97/108 (30 min rec., mini mosaic): from shortly before midnight/20,1; did not improve further... stopped after 25 min/2 rounds
M 51 (30 min rec.): at about 0:42/19,8-9; stopped shortly before 3 a.m., nearly 6 rounds (nearly 82 min), clouds (no SQM)

Jun 4
GC: M 5, M 13, M 92
G: M 109
M 13 (15 min as rec.)
M 92 (15 min)
M 5 (2:40 min; autom. abort because of clouds)
M 109 (3:30 min; aborted manually because of clouds)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from about 10:20 p.m., SQM 15.7); two days before new moon; observations from 10:30 p.m. to 11:45 p.m.

M 13 (15 min rec., normal): from 10:32/16.5, 10:37/17.2, 10:47/18.4, ended after 15 min
M 92 (20 min rec., normal): from 10:53/18.3, 11:08/19.3, ended after 15 min, clouds appeared...
M 5 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:14/19.1, clouds from begin on; after 2:40 nothing happened, SQM below 19; had aborted automatically, but I did not realize that at first...
M 109 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:38/19.6, just after start clouds appeared again; aborted manually after 3:30 min because of clouds (11:45 p.m.)

Jun 7
GC: M 3, M 5, M 53, NGC 5053
G: M 101, NGC 5005, NGC 5033
M 3 (15 min)
M 5 (15 min)
M 53/NGC 5053 (13 min)
M 101 (30 min as rec.)
NGC 5005/5033 (12 min; manually aborted because of clouds)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from about 10:30 p.m., SQM 16.4); one day after new moon; observations from 10:40 p.m. to 1:00 a.m..

M 3 (30 min rec., normal): from 10:40/16.9, 10:47/17.64; 15 min
M 5 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:05/18.9, 11:16/19.4, 11:30/19.9; 15 min
M 53/NGC 5053 (1° distance; 30 min rec., small mosaic): from 11:35/19.9, 11:45/20.9; 1 round with 13 min
M 101 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:56/20.1, 0:12/20.1, until 0:35; 30 min as rec.
NGC 5005/5033 and more (40' distance; 2h rec., mosaic): from 0:40/20.2, briefly before 1:00 a.m. clouds appeared; aborted manually after 11:50 min/1 round

Jun 24
GN: NGC 6960, NGC 6992/5 Order:
NGC 6960 and 6992/5 (86 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (00:20 a.m.; SQM = 19.9); observations from 0:20 a.m. to approx. 4 a.m., but aborted automatically earlier (approx. 3 a.m., 86 min)

NGC 6960 and 6992/5 (60 min rec., mosaic): from 0:20/19.9; ended at appr. 4 a.m. (at 4 a.m. almost full moon in the southeast, very bright; aborted automatically before (approx. 3 a.m., 86 min).

Jun 25
GN: M 8, M 20
PN: M 27
M 27 (20 min)
M 8/M 20 (45.1 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (11:40 p.m.); observations from 11:45 p.m. to 1:05 a.m. (went to bed)

M 27 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:45/19.9; 0:10/20.1; finished after 20 min (0:15 a.m.)
M 8/M 20 (30 min rec., mosaic (2.4° x 2.4°)): from 0:19/20.1; went in at 1:05; stopped at 3:00 a.m., but aborted automatically before (1:27 a.m., 41.5 min) due to clouds

Jun 28
GC: M 14
OC: M 11
GN: M 16, M 17
M 14 (15 min)
M 11 (10 min)
M 16 (15 min)
M 17 (15 min)
M 16/17 (cancelled because of clouds); NGC 6960/6992 (ditto)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from 10:50 p.m.; SQM = 17.8); half moon; observations from 11:05 p.m. to 1:00 a.m.; stopped manually because of clouds.

M 14 (30 min rec., normal): from 23:05/18.2; 11:17/18.9; 11:26/19.3; ended after 15 min
M 11 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:28/19.4; 11:40/19.7; ended after 10 min
M 16 (30 min rec., normal): from 11:44/19.8; 00:00/19.9; ended after 15 min
M 17 (30 min rec., normal): from 0:08/19.9; 0:17/20.0; then below 20 again; ended after 15 min
M 16/17/18 (30 min rec., mosaic (2.0° x 4.2°)): 0:33/19.9; 0:53/20.0; aborted because of clouds
NGC 6960 and 6992/5 (60 min rec., mosaic): 1:01/ 19.95; aborted because of clouds

Jul 4
GC: M 9, M 10, M 12, M 107
OC: M 18
GN: M 16, M 17
M 12 (15 min)
M 10 (15 min)
M 9 (10 min)
M 107 (10 min)
M 16/17/18 (56 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from 10:30 p.m.; SQM = 16); nearly new moon; observations from 10:40 p.m. to 0:20 a.m. (went to bed); aborted 1:43 a.m., probably because of obstacles...

M 12 (30 min rec., normal): ab 10:38/16.25, 10:45/17.0, 22:50/17.45, 11:00/18.4; ended after 15 min
M 10 (30 min rec., normal): ab 11:05/18.6, 11:16/19.25, 11:25/19.6; ended after 15 min
M 9 (30 min rec., normal): ab 11:30/19.76, 11:40/19.96, 11:44/20.03; ended after 10 min
M 107 (30 min rec., normal): ab 11:4/20.1, 11:58/20.25; ended after 10 min
M 20/21: did not work, probably too low!
M 16/17/18 (30 min rec., mosaic (2.3° x 4.5°)): from 0:12/20.22, 0:18/20.2; automatically aborted at 1:43 a.m. after nach 56 min of observation, probably because of obstacles...

Jul 7
GC: M 56, M 71
G: NGC 4236
NGC 4236 (60 min)
M 56 (10 min)
M 71 (10 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from 10:37 p.m.; SQM = 16.5); briefly after new moon; observations from 10:40 p.m. to 1:22 a.m.. Clouds were very disturbing at the end...

NGC 4236 (120 min rec.): 22:48/17.46, 23:00/18.43, 23:15/19.37, 23:30/19.77, 23:45/20.0 (in 1 h there were 40 minutes of observation!), 00:00/20.1, 00:15/20.0 (more clouds), end 0:18 - ended after 60 min.
M 56 (30 min rec.): 00:21/20.1, clouds interfere and slow down, 0:40/20.16, end 0:48 - ended after 10 min
M 71 (30 min rec.): 00:50/18.5 (clouds after 1 min), aborted after 1 min due to clouds, 2nd attempt 0:58/19.25, aborted due to double images, 3rd attempt 1:00/19.7, again double images but less pronounced and continued 1:08/20.2, end at 1:22 - ended after 10 min; bright stars disturbed!

Jul 8
GC: M 56, M 71
G: M 109
PN: M 57
M 109 (30 min)
M 57 (10 min)
M 71 (15 min)
M 56 (15 min)
M 109 (appr. 15 min)
Vespera Pro; Gitzo High Tripod; iPad First initialization successful (from 10:37 p.m.; SQM = 17); briefly after new moon; clear sky; observations from 10:45 p.m. to 1:22 a.m. (went to bed and left the scope alone)

M 109 (120 min rec.): 10:45/17.2, 10:50/17.8, 11:00/18.5, 11:10/19.3, 11:20/19.7, end 11:32 p.m. - ended after 30 min
M 57 (15 min rec.): 11:36/20.0, 11:45/20.1, 11:50/20.2, end 11:51 p.m. - ended after 10 min (washed out)
M 71 (30 min rec.): 11:53/20.1, 0:00/20.2, end 0:14 a.m. - ended after 15 min
M 56 (30 min rec.): 0:17/20.2, 0:44/20.3 (end) - ended after 15 min

M 109 (120 min rec): 0:47/20.3, aborted after nearly 6 min, because too low; newly initialisized; new start 1:02/20.3; automatically aborted after 1:04:40 h, with "light stripes", earlier already light/obstacles (after about 15 min)

Bold: First observation during this observation period; G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GN = galactic nebula, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, SN = supernova, SR = supernova remnant


List of Observed Sky Objects

Object details can be obtained via the links to the relevant deep sky objects.

DSO Details
Name Constellation Type Remarks
M 3   Canes Venatici GC Nice globular cluster, one of the larger ones
M 5   Serpens Cauda GC Nice globular cluster, one of the larger ones, larger than M 3
M 8 Lagoon Nebula Sagittarius GN Emission nebula (NGC 6523) and open star cluster (NGC 6530); together with M 20 in a mosaic
M 9   Ophiuchus GC Small globular star cluster
M 10   Ophiuchus GC Forms a pair with the globular star cluster M 12
M 11 Wild Duck Cluster Scutum OC Is located in the Scutum cloud, a special section of the Milky Way; therefore, the photos are full of stars.
M 12   Ophiuchus GC Forms a pair with the globular star cluster M 10
M 13   Hercules GC Nice globular cluster, one of the largest ones, larger than M 5 and M 92
M 14   Ophiuchus GC The third of the three bright globular star clusters in Ophiuchus, but different in character from M 10 und M 12.
M 16 Eagle Nebula Serpens GN Star cluster M 16 embedded in the Eagle Nebula IC 4703
M 17 Omega/Swan Nebula Sagittarius GN One of the most beautiful emission nebulae; in the reversing telescope, some people recognize a swan...
M 18   Sagittarius OC More a less a "sub par" star cluster
M 20 Trifid Nebula Sagittarius GN Is called Trifid Nebula because it consists of three parts; together with M 8 in a mosaic
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula; with NGC 6530 Vulpecula PN For me, one of the most beautiful planetary nebulae
M 51 with NGC 5195 Canes Venatici G Nice spiral galaxy with connected satellite galaxy NGC 5195
M 53 with NGC 5053 Coma Berenices GC One of the smaller globular star clusters
M 56   Lyra GC One of the smaller globular star clusters
M 57 Ring Nebula Lyra PN Very bright, small, washed out
M 63 Sunflower Galaxy Canes Venatici G Nice, elongated spiral galaxy
M 64 Black Eye Galaxy Coma Berenices G Impressive spiral galaxy with unique look
M 65 with M 66, NGC 3628 Leo G Thin, elongated spiral galaxy, spiral hard to see; part of the Leo triplet (with M 66 and NGC 3628); with Vesp Pro the whole triplet can be observed.
M 66 with M 65, NGC 3628 Leo G Elongated spiral galaxy, spiral visible; part of the Leo triplet (with M 65 and NGC 3628); with the Vesp Pro the whole triplet can be observed.
M 71   Sagitta GC Very loose GC
M 81 with M 82, NGC 3077 Ursa Major G Nice spiral galaxy; the spiral is not very conspicuous in the eVs; can be seen together with NGC 3077 and M 82 in the Vsp Pro (mosaic).
M 82 with M 81, NGC 3077 Ursa Major G Elongated irregular galaxy (cigar), dirsturbed by an encounter with M 81; can be seen together with M 81 and NGC 3077 in the Vsp Pro (mosaic).
M 84 Great Galactic Face, Markarian's Chain Virgo G Elliptical galaxy that can be seen together with M 86 (+ NGC 4387 and NGC 4402); forms together with M 86 and NGC 4387 the "Great Galactic Face".
M 86 Great Galactic Face, Markarian's Chain Virgo G Elliptical galaxy that can be seen together with M 84 (+ NGC 4387 and NGC 4402); forms together with M 84 and NGC 4387 the "Great Galactic Face".
M 92   Hercules GC Nice globular star cluster with compact core
M 95 with M 96, M 105 Leo G Small barred spiral galaxy, relatively faint, but the bar is visible. Forms a pair with M 96. M 96 and M 105 can be included in the mosaic mode of Vsp Pro.
M 96 with M 95, M 105 Leo G Spiral galaxy, forms a pair with M 95. M 95 and M 105 can be included in the mosaic mode of Vsp Pro.
M 97 Owl Nebula, with M 108 Ursa Major PN Small green dot with two dark spots; can be observed together with M 108 with Vespera Pro.
M 101 Pinwheel Galaxy Coma Berenices G Faint; better in second attempt, but still very noisy (30 min)
M 104 Sombrero Galaxy Virgo G Spiral galaxy, seen nearly edge-on; the dust ring and the bright nucleus led to the name.
M 105 with M 95, M 96 Leo G Bright elliptical galaxy; close to the galaxies NGC 3384 (elliptical) and the smaller NGC 3389 (spiral). In the Vespera Pro mosaic additionally together with M 95 and M 96.
M 106   Canes Venatici G Larger and bright spiral galaxy with bright core; close to it there is the small spiral galaxy NGC 4248, somewhat farther apart the galaxy NGC 4220, as well as the pair NGC 4231/32 (Holm 356)
M 107   Ophiuchus GC According to Stoyan, the faintest of the Messier globular star clusters in constellation Ophiuchus
M 108 mit M 97 Ursa Major G Barred spiral galaxy, nearly seen edge-on; can be observed together with M 97 with Vespera Pro
M 109   Ursa Major G Barred spiral galaxy; manually aborted after about 2 minutes because of clouds
NGC 3077 close to M 81 (and with M 82) Ursa Major G Small companion of M 81
NGC 3628 Hamburger Galaxy, with M 65, M 66 Leo G Spiral galaxy seen edge-on; it forms a conspicuous group with M 65 and M 66, the Leo Triplet (Arp 317, Holm 246).
NGC 4236   Draco G Spiral galaxy; very faint
NGC 4565 Needle Galaxy Coma Berenices G One of the most prominent and famous edge-on spiral galaxies in the sky; together with NGC 4562 and NGC 4494, NGC 4565 forms the small galaxy group LGG 294.
NGC 4631/27 Whale/Herring Galaxy, with NGC 4627 Canes Venatici G Spiral galaxy seen edge-on; above it, there is a compagnion, the elliptical dwarf galaxy NGC 4627, a little farther apart the galaxy NGC 4656/57.
NGC 5005 with NGC 5033 Canes Venatici G Oblique spiral galaxy with bright core, forms a pair together with NGC 5033, which influence each other weakly.
NGC 5033 with NGC 5005 Canes Venatici G Spiral galaxy, forms a pair together with NGC 5005, which influence each other weakly.
NGC 5053 with M 53 Coma Berenices GC Very loose globular star cluster near M 53 (1°)
NGC 6960 Western Cirrus Nebula Cygnus GN/SR Together with NGC 6992/5 in a mosaic; together with NGC 6992/5 a supernova remnant.
NGC 6992/5 Eastern Cirrus Nebula Cygnus GN/SR Together with NGC 6960 in a mosaic; together with NGC 6960 a supernova remnant.

G = galaxy, GaC = galaxy cluster, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GE = galactic emission nebula, GR = galactic reflection nebula, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, A = Asterism, SR = Supernova remnant, HII = HII region (emission nebula in other galaxies)




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