Messier 104 (M 104)

Introduction | Map | Sketch | Find/Identify | My Own Photos | My Own Observations | References

On this page I collect my observations of the spiral galaxy M 104 (NGC 4594), because of its shape, also called Sombrero Galaxy, in the constellation Virgo.



The spiral galaxy M 104 in the constellation Virgo is, because of its shape, also called Sombrero Galaxy. In a visual telescope it can, according to Karkoschka, be recognized - which I can confirm (but no details...). In the eVscope, its shape is clearly visible, in the Vespera Pro as well.

M 104 (NGC 4594)
Size: 7' x 2' / 8.7' x 3.5' (Stoyan/Wikipedia)
Distance: 31 million light years (Wikipedia)
Rating: *** (Stoyan)



The spiral galaxy M 104 in the constellation Virgo (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I observed (my impression was much fainter than the sketch): Sombrero Galaxy (Messier 104) by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016)

Note: I only have the author's permission to link to the sketch.



Find: The Sombrero Galaxy M 104 is located to the West (right) of the star Spica, which is the most conspicuous star in constellation Virgo.

Identify: If the Sombrero Galaxy M 104 in the constellation Virgo was found in the above way, it is also identified, because it stands relatively alone and also has a typical appearance (if this is recognizable...). (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


My Own Photos



M 104 - Mar 17, 2020


M 104 - Mar 17, 2020, processed


M 104 - Mar 17, 2020


M 104 - Mar 17, 2020, processed


M 104 - Apr 22, 2020


M 104 - May 15, 2020


M 104 - May 31, 2021


M 104 - Apr 22, 2020, processed


M 104 - May 15, 2020, processed


M 104 - May 31, 2021, processed (Polarr)

Vespera Pro


M 104, May 14, 2024 - 2000p (182 frames = 1820s)


M 104, May 14, 2024 - section, 2000p (182 frames = 1820s)


M 104, May 14, 2024 - section, 2000p (182 frames = 1820s), processed (PSE)


M 104, May 14, 2024 - section, 2000p (182 frames = 1820s), additionally denoised (DN)


My Own Observations

Observations May 2017

Observations March to May 2020

Observations May 2021

Observations May 2024



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