Messier 3 (M 3)

Introduction | Map | Find/Identify | Sketch | My Best Own Photos | My Own Observations | References || Appendix: My Own Photos

On this page I collect my observations of the globular star cluster M 3 (NGC 5272) in the constellation Canes Venatici.



The globular star cluster M 3 in the constellation Canes Venatici belongs, according to Stoyan, to the brightest and most worth observing globular star clusters in Messier's catalogue.

M 3 (NGC 5272)
Size: 7'/10' (Stoyan/Karkoschka)
Distance: 32,000 light years (Stoyan)
Rating: *** (Stoyan)



M 3 is located in constellation Canes Venatici (see below for a larger overview) (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



Find: The globular star cluster M 2 M 3 is located in constellation Canes Venatici, but it is easiest to find from Arcturus in constellation Bootes - it is located on a line between Arcturus and Cor Caroli in Canes Venatici.

Identify: If the globular star cluster M 3 in the constellation Canes Venatici was found in the way described above, it is also identified. There are no larger globular star clusters nearby (M 53 is definitely smaller). (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I observed (my impression was much fainter than the sketch): Messier 3 (Globular Cluster) - Sketch by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016)

Note: I only have the author's permission to link to the sketch.


My Best Own Photos



M 3 - Mar 23, 2020


M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed

  M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed and sharpened

M 3 - May 15, 2020


M 3 - May 15, 2020, processed


M 3 - May 15, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3, Jul 31, 2022 - original (29 frames = 290s)

Vespera Pro


M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 2000 (120 frames = 20 min)




M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 1800 (120 frames = 20 min), 1:1 section


M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 1800 (120 frames = 20 min), 1:1 section, processed


My Own Observations

Observations May 2017

Observations June 2019

Observations March to September 2020

Observations June to September 2021

Observations July 2022

Observations June 2024



On this Site

Appendix: My Own Photos


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed


M 3 - Mar 18, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Mar 23, 2020


M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed

  M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed and sharpened

M 3 - Mar 23, 2020


M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed

  M 3 - Mar 23, 2020, processed and sharpened

M 3 - Apr 21, 2020 (local date)


M 3 - Apr 21, 2020, processed


M 3 - Apr 21, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - May 15, 2020


M 3 - May 15, 2020, processed


M 3 - May 15, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - May 31, 2020


M 3 - May 31, 2020, processed


M 3 - May 31, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Jun 12, 2020, slightly disturbed


M 3 - Jun 12, 2020, processed


M 3 - Jun 12, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, sky too bright


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, processed


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, sky too bright


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, processed


M 3 - Jul 3, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Aug 9, 2020, sky too bright


M 3 - Aug 9, 2020, processed


M 3 - Aug 9, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, slightly disturbed by clouds


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, processed


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, processed and sharpened


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, slightly disturbed by clouds


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, processed


M 3 - Sep 28, 2020, processed and sharpened

M 3 - Jun 10, 2021   M 3 - Jun 10, 2021, processed (Polarr)   M 3 - Jun 10, 2021, processed and sharpened
M 3 - Sep 8, 2021   M 3 - Sep 8, 2021, processed   M 3 - Sep 8, 2021, processed and sharpened


M 3, Jul 31, 2022 - original (29 frames = 290s)

Vespera Pro


M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 2000 (120 frames = 20 min)




M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 1800 (120 frames = 20 min), 1:1 section


M 3, Jun 7, 2024 - 1800 (120 frames = 20 min), 1:1 section, processed