Deep Sky Autumn Observations November/December 2020

Conditions | Observation Overview | List of Observed Sky Objects | References

In November and December 2020, I did simple "deep-sky autumn observations," which might be of interest to other beginners and are therefore described here. They took place in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau.



Sky Region and Objects

In November and December 2020, I observed different sky areas so that a sky map does not make much sense.

Observation Time

The observations were done in November and December 2020, mostly directly after sunset.

Observation Location

The observations took place in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau (Germany):

Devices Used

I used the TLAPO1027 on the AZ4 mount and the AZ Pronto mount, and the C8 on the AZ4 mount. I also used the C5, the Skymax-127, and the PS 72/432 on the AZ Pronto mount.

General Conditions

In Mühlhausen/Kraichgau, the sky was not particularly dark.


Observation Overview

Observed Objects Details, Remarks Further Observations and Remarks Devices Used Eyepieces Used
Nov 5
Jupiter, Saturn, Mars
OC: M 45, NGC 884/869
PN: M 57
DS: Albireo
TLAPO1027: Albireo and M 57 observed downto 7 mm; was not able to find M 56; finally observed M 45 and NGC 884/869 (26, 40 mm).

First, I observed Jupiter and Saturn (C8 and TLAPO1027), later also Mars (first C8 and TLAPO1027, later only TLAPO1027).

  C8 on AZ4, TLAPO1027 on AZ Pronto and AZ4 26, 24, 16, 10, 7, 4 mm
Dec 7
GC: M 15
G: M 31
C8: Failed demonstration of the C8 for a star friend; the only objects we found were M 15 and M 31, both rather faint... Fight between dawn and upcoming full moon/clouds... C8 on Star Discovery Eyepieces that belonged to the star friend
Dec 8
GC: M 15 C8: Short test of the alignment, this time successful. Managed only to observe M 15 before the clouds came.   C8 on Star Discovery Forgotten...
Dec 16

Jupiter and Saturn, Mars
GC: M 2, M 15
OC: NGC 457, NGC 663
G: M 31, M 32
PN: M 27, M 57

C8: Jupiter with moons and Saturn in the same FOV; M 15 and M 2 (85 x to 200 x), M 31 with tiny M 32 (also nice with 40 mm/2"), M 27 (large, bit faint), M 57 (saw the ring very well, 50 x to 200 x!), NGC 663, NGC 457 (E.T. Cluster, probably seen as well as never before, including arms and legs). Mars disappointing, air too turbulent. I did not have to time for more... GoTo sufficiently precise... C8 on Star Discovery 40, 24, 16, 10 mm
Dec 18
Moon, Mars
GC: M 15
OC: M 45, NGC 884/869
C5: M 15 rather faint; M 45 nice with reducer/corrector, ditto the Perseus Double Cluster NGC 884/869; wandered a little along the sky with reducer/corrector... "First light" for the C5 C5 on AZ Pronto; with and without f/6.3 reducer/corrector 24 mm, 16 mm, 7 mm
Dec 28
GN: M 42/43 C5, Skymax-127, PS 72/432, and TLAPO1027, all on AZ Pronto: M 42 (Orion Nebula) at nearly fulll moon; moon probably closest to the Orion Nebula.
Saw the Trapzium and the wings in all of the telescopes more or less well.
Order: PS/72 (10 mm, about 40 x) < C5 (24 mm, 53 x; 32 mm, 39 x) < SM127 (25 mm, 60 x) < TLAPO1027 (24, 30 x; 10, about 70 x)
Comparison of four of my telescopes at the Orion Nebula C5, Skymax-127, PS 72/432, and TLAPO1027 on AZ Pronto 32, 25, 24, 10 mm

Bold: First observation during this observation period; all observations done in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau (MH); G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GN = galactic nebula, PN = planetary nebula, P = star pattern, DS = double star


List of Observed Sky Objects

Object details can be obtained via the links to the relevant deep sky objects.

Name Constellation Type Bino* PS72 SM127 TLAPO
C8 C8R C5 C5R Remarks
M 2   Aquarius GC         yes       Not quite resolved into stars...
M 15   Pegasus GC         yes   yes   Not quite resolved into stars...
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula PN         yes       Large, but faint
M 31/32 Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda G         yes       Large, but only saw the core,also seen M 32 as a tiny soft spot..
M 42/43 Orion Nebula Orion GN   yes yes yes     yes   Orion Nebula disturbed by the nearly full moon, my objective was to compare several of my telescopes.
M 45 Pleiades, Seven Sisters Taurus OC       yes       yes Nice, "rich field" with 40 mm and also with C5R and 24 mm
M 57 Ring Nebula Lyra PN       yes yes       Faint, but saw the ring with 4 mm
NGC 457 Owl/E.T. Cluster Cassiopeia OC         yes       Seen well as probably never before, including the arms and legs
NGC 663   Cassiopeia OC         yes       Nice
NGC 884/869 Perseus Double Cluster Perseus OC       yes       yes Nice, "rich field" with 40 mm and also with C5R and 24 mm
Albireo   Aquila DS       yes         Nice

*) LT = 10 x 25 binoculars, TS = 10 x 60 binoculars; G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, DS = double star, P = star pattern, GN = galactic nebula, PN = planetary nebula, MW = Milky Way, C = comet




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