NGC 884/869 - Perseus Double Cluster

Introduction | Map | Find/Identify | Sketch | My Best Own Photos | My Own Observations | References || Appendix: My Own Photos

On this page I collect my observations of the double star cluster NGC 884/869 in the constellation Perseus.



The open double star cluster NGC 884/869 (Chi/H Persei) in Perseus is considered to be a first-rate deep sky object. Therefore, it has received a 5-star rating from Stoyan. Supposedly, the double cluster should be seen with the naked eye, but I cannot confirm this. In small binoculars, however, it can already be seen well - particularly, as a double cluster. In a small telescope, both clusters are, according to Stoyan, "clusters of 40-50 stars, together in a 1.5° field of view". And this means, that you cannot observe both together in the eVscope. Iit is a little better with the eVscope 2 and possible with the Vespera (Pro).

NGC 884/869
Size: 25' / 20' (Stoyan)
Distance: 7,600/6,800 light years (Stoyan)
Ranking: ***** (Stoyan)



Map: Perseus Double Cluster NGC 884/869 (between Perseus and Cassiopeia) and Andromeda Galaxy M 31 (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



Find: During my "winter observations" in February 2017, I tried to find the double cluster NGC 884/869 in Perseus. I was able to find the open clusters, but using my binoculars, I was not able to tell which of the two clusters I was viewing, or even both. The same was true for the 100P telescope. Using the GoTo mount, however, revealed that I probably saw more or less both clusters. This is one of the advantages of such a GoTo mount.

Identify: In the meantime, a kind of oval above the double cluster (see the arrows in the map below) helps me identify it and find the Muscle Man St 2 (but the oval is less evident on star charts than I see it in the telescope/binoculars):

(Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,



The sketch by Michael Vlasov ( provides a rough impression of what I observed (my impression was much fainter than the sketch):

Sketch of the NGC 884/869 Double Cluster by Michael Vlasov (Copyright © Michael Vlasov 2016) - presented with the author's permission


My Best Own Photos


NGC 869 (H Persei)


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020, processed


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020, processed

NGC 884 (Chi Persei)


NGC 884 - 1Sep 12, 2020


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020, processed


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020, processed

eVscope 2

NGC 869 (H Persei)


NGC 869 - Nov 24, 2022


NGC 869 - Nov 24, 2022, photo left processed

NGC 884 (Chi Persei)


NGC 884 - Nov 24, 2022


NGC 884 - Nov 24, 2022, photo left processed



NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original (4 frames = 40 seconds)


NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original (43 frames = 430 seconds)


My Own Observations

Observations Summer to Autumn 2016

Observations February/March 2017

Observations September 2017

Observations October/November 2017

Observations January to March 2018

Observations September - November 2018

Observations September to October 2019

Observations January 2020

Observations February to November 2020

Observations December 2021

Observations August to November 2022




On this Site

Appendix: My Own Photos



NGC 884/869 - Feb 5, 2020 (below NGC 884)


NGC 884/869 - Feb 5, 2020, processed (below NGC 884)


NGC 884/869 - Feb 6, 2020 (NGC 884)


NGC 884/869 - Feb 7, 2020 (far left of NGC 884)

NGC 869 (H Persei)


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020, processed


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 869 - Sep 12, 2020, processed

NGC 884 (Chi Persei)


NGC 884 - 1Sep 12, 2020


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020, processed


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020


NGC 884 - Sep 12, 2020, processed

eVscope 2

NGC 869 (H Persei)


NGC 869 - Dec 10, 2021


NGC 869 - Dec 10, 2021, Astrometry: hit


NGC 869 - Dec 21, 2021


NGC 869 - Dec 21.2021, Astrometry: hit


NGC 869 - Nov 24, 2022


NGC 869 - Nov 24, 2022, photo left processed

NGC 884 (Chi Persei)


NGC 884 - Dec 10, 2021


NGC 884 - Dec 10, 2021, Astrometry: missed


NGC 884 - Dec 21, 2021


NGC 884 - Dec 21, 2021, Astrometry: hit


NGC 884 - Nov 24, 2022


NGC 884 - Nov 24, 2022, photo left processed



NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original (4 frames = 40 seconds)


NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original (43 frames = 430 seconds)