Deep Sky Observations with Vespera January to April 2024

Conditions | Observation Overview | List of Observed Sky Objects | References

Since the end of July 2022, I own a Vaonis Vespera telescope for observing and taking photos of deep sky objects. On this page, I collect information about observations from January to April 2024. The photos that were taken during this phase are presented elsewhere (on the detail pages for the DSO).



Sky Region and Objects

From January until April 2024, I observed mostly the following sky area (some observed objects are indicated, also some that were not observed...):

Click the map for a larger version - it opens in a new window (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,

Observation Time

The observations in this phase took place from January to April 2024. They typically took place shortly after dusk, when it was sufficiently dark for a successful initialization of the Vespera. In January, this was typically after 6 p.m., in March more after 8:30 p.m..

Observation Location

The observations took place in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau (Germany):

Equipment Used

When observing with the Vespera, I only needed the Vespera and my iPhones or iPad.

General Conditions

In general, the sky above Mühlhausen/Kraichgau is "light-polluted" (SQM 20.5) and does not invite you to search for deep sky objects. For astro photography, however, light pollution is not as disturbing as for visual observations.


Observation Overview

Observation Dates

Observed Objects Observed Objects, Details Remarks Further Remarks
Jan 9
OC: M 34, M 45
GN: IC 1848, M 1, M 42, NGC 147, NGC 185
PN: NGC 40
G: M 74
NGC 40 (Bow Tie Nebula), a little more than 15 min
IC 1848 (Soul Nebula), mosaic (1 turn), connection lost after about 54 min and aborted
M 74, 30 min
NGC 185 & NGC 147, mosaic, 30 min
M 34, 5 min
M 1, 30 min
M 42, 10 min
M 45, mosaic (1 turn), 30 min
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad Vespera: from about 6 p.m. to about 11 p.m.; two days before new moon
SQM 19.3-19.8
Jan 10
GN: IC 1848, NGC 281, NGC 1499 Order:
IC 1848 (Soul Nebula), small mosaic, DB Filter, 42 min
NGC 281 (Pacman Nebula), stopped after 17 min because of too much noise
NGC 281 (Pacman Nebula), mosaic (nearly 1 turn), 34:10 min
NGC 1499 (California Nebula), stopped after about 3 min because of too much noise
NGC 1499 (California Nebula), mosaic (1 turn), 52 min
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad; Dual Band Filter Vespera: from 6 p.m. to about 11:30 p.m.; one day before new moon
SQM 19.4-19.7
Jan 11
OC: M 34
GN: IC 1396, NGC 2024, NGC 7000
DN: B 33
G: M 77
M 34, 10 min
M 77, 15 min
NGC 7000 (North America Nebula), DB Filter, mosaic (1 turn), after about 42 min focus renewed, 60 min
IC 1396 (Elephant Trunk), DB Filter, mosaic (1 turn), 34 min
NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula), DB Filter, mosaic (1 turn), 32 min; together with B 33 (Horse Head Nebula)
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad; partly Dual Band Filter Vespera: from about 6:30 to about 11 p.m.; new moon
SQM 19.4-19.8
Jan 26
A: Kemble's Cascade
OC: NGC 1502
GN: M 1, M 42, NGC 281, NGC 1499
NGC 281 (Pacman Nebula), CLS Filter, 30 min; aborted after 5 min because of fuzziness, restart after AF renewal
M 1 (Crab Nebula), CLS Filter, 25 min
NGC 1499 (California Nebula), CLS Filter, 60 min, mosaic (1 turn), restarted after clouds
M 42 (Orion Nebula), CLS Filter, 20 min; aborted soon because of fuzziness, restart after AF renewal
Kemble's Cascade (NGC 1502), CLS Filter, 10 min; aborted soon because of fuzziness, restart after AF renewal
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad; CLS Filter

CLS Filter for comparison with Dual Band Filter

Vespera: from about 7 to about 10 p.m.; 1 day after full moon
SQM 18.9-18.4 (decreasing because of full moon)
Jan 28
OC: Mel 25
G: M 31, M 33, NGC 2403
GN: M 78, IC 405


Jupiter > too small …
M 31, 32, 110, CLS Filter, 57 min, mosaic (1 turn)
M 33 (Triangulum Galaxy), CLS Filter, about 40 min, aborted very soon and AF restarted
NGC 2403, CLS Filter, 30 min
IC 405 (Flaming Star Nebula), CLS Filter, 30 min, AF restarted after 1 min
M 78, CLS Filter, 30 min
Mel 25 (Hyades), CLS Filter, 10 min, AF restarted after < 1 min
M 78, CLS Filter 32 min, mosaic (1 turn)
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad; CLS Filter

CLS Filter for comparison with Dual Band Filter

A lot of Walking Pattern noise where mosaic mode is not used!!!

Vespera: from about 6 to 10:20 p.m.; 3 days after full moon
SQM 18.9-19.9, then decreasing to 19.2 because of nearly full moon
Jan 29
OC: M 41, Mel 25
G: M 33, NGC 2403
GN: IC 2177
M 33 (Triangulum Galaxy), 42 min, aborted very soon and AF restarted, small mosaic (4 turns)
NGC 2403, 30 min, aborted very soon and AF restarted, small mosaic (1.5 turns)
Mel 25 (Hyades), 35 min, mosaic (section of Mel 25) (about 1/2 turn)
M 41, 10 min, AF immediately restarted
IC 2177 (Seagull Nebula), CLS Filter, 40 min, small mosaic (2 turns); plus NGC 2343, NGC 2335; IC 2177 very faint
Vespera; Gitzo tripod; iPad

This time mosaics (to avoid WPN) and no filter (because of the types of DSO) except for IC 2177 (CLS Filter)

Vespera: from about 7 to 10:20 p.m.; 4 days after full moon, sky not transparent
SQM 19.6 to 19.1 decreasing
Feb 29
OC: M 36
GN: IC 410
M 36 to IC 410, CLS Filter, 114 min, mosaic (3 turns); plus NGC 1931, IC 417, NGC 1893
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad

Tried to replicate a mosaic by Markus Brylka

Vespera: from about 7:45 to 10:20 p.m.; 5 days after full moon
SQM 19.4 (8:30 p.m.)
Mar 3
OC: M 44, M 67
DN: B 33
GN: M 42
M 44 (30 min rec.) three attempts, but stars remained large; mosaic first, but aborted; then normal 6 min and 15 min
M 67 (30 min rec.) normal, 15 min
B 33 (60 min rec.) normal, 30 min, aborted automatically…
M 42 (20 min rec.), normal, 20 min
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad

Initially attempts at two new (for Vespera) star clusters; then two familiar DSO...

Vespera: from about 7:40 to 9:40 p.m
SQM 19.5 (8:45 p.m.)

Sky hazy? Stars flickered. Stars in Vespera large and not nice … >> because of the haze or the flickering?

Mar 11
SR: IC 443 Order:
IC 443 (Jellyfish Nebula; 60 min rec.); first started a mosaic in the second attempt (3 turns, 58 min); then a "normal" photo (50 min) with a lot of WP noise
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad; Dual Band Filter

Attempts at the Jellyfish Nebula

Vespera from 8:00 p.m. up to about 8:15 p.m.
SQM 19.6-19.1; 1 day after new moon

Sky clear

Mar 22
SR: IC 443 Order:
IC 443 (Jellyfish Nebula; 60 min rec.); mosaic mode, two attempts: first attempt cancelled automatically after about 25 min of observation time because of clouds (1/2 turn, 40 min), second attempt about an hour (1/2 turn, 1 h)
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad; CLS Filter

Attempts at the Jellyfish Nebula

Vespera from 7:30 p.m. up to about 10:00 p.m.
SQM unmeasurable; 3 days before full moon

Sky clear, sometimes fast clouds

Mar 25
OS: M 35, M 46, M 47, M 48, NGC 2141
GC: NGC 2419
PN: NGC 2392
NGC 2141 (60 min e.): about 20 min total time
M 35 (30 min e., mosaic) with NGC 2158 and IC 2156/2157; AF restarted, 30 min
M 46 (30 min e.): restarted because stars fuzzy, 15 min
M 47 (30 min e.): 10 min
M 48 (30 min e.): 10 min
NGC 2392 (Esquimo Nebula, 60 min e.): 10 min
NGC 2419 (Intergalactic Wanderer, 30 min e.): AF restarted, 20 min
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad Vespera from about 7:50 p.m. up to 22:45
SQM 18.5 (8:00 p.m.)

Sky clear, Full Moon

Mar 26
OC: M 50
DN+OC: NGC 2264
M 50 (30 min e.): about 20 min
NGC 2264 (Cone Nebula/Christmal Tree Cluster; DB Filter; 120 min e.): aborted automatically after 48 min because of clouds...
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad; without filter (M 50) and with Dual Band Filter (NGC 2264) Vespera from about 7:30 p.m. to 8:50 p.m.
SQM 16.9 (7:50 p.m.), 19.2 (8:00 p.m.), 18.7 (8:30 p.m.; cloudy)

Sky clear at first, then cloudy (abort after 48 min), 1 day after Full Moon

Mar 28
OC: NGC 752
DN+OC: NGC 2264
NGC 752 (30 min e.): about 15 min; then as a mosaic about 43 min
NGC 2264 (with NGC 2261; Cone Nebula/Christmal Tree Cluster; DB Filter; 120 min e.): mosaic, aborted automatically after 37 min because of clouds...
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad; without filter (NGC 752) and with Dual Band Filter (NGC 2264) Vespera from about 7:50 p.m. to 9:25 p.m.
SQM 18.3 (7:50 p.m.) to 20 (9 p.m.)

Sky clear, 3 days after Full Moon

Apr 11
DN+OC: NGC 2264 Order:
NGC 2264 (with NGC 2261; Cone Nebula/Christmas Tree Cluster; DB Filter; 120 min e.): mosaic, 2-3 turns, poor result (aborted manually after 1:16h, too low?)
Vespera; adjustable tripod; iPad; with Dual Band Filter Vespera from about 9 p.m. to 11 p.m.
SQM 19.8 (10:20 p.m.)

Sky a little bit fuzzy, 3 days after New Moon

Bold: First observation during this observation period; G = galaxy, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GN = galactic nebula, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, SN = supernova, SR = supernova remnant


List of Observed Sky Objects

Object details can be obtained via the links to the relevant deep sky objects.

DSO Details
Name Constellation Type Remarks
B 33 Horse Head Nebula Orion GN/DN Together with NGC 2024 in a mosaic; there is also NGC 2023 on the photo
IC 405 Flaming Star Nebula Auriga GN Reddish nebula; alone (not together with IC 410)
IC 410 Tadpole Nebula; with M 36 Auriga GN Reddish nebula; with M 36 (not together with IC 405) and further DSO
IC 443 Jellyfish Nebula Gemini SR Reddish nebula, supernova remnant
IC 1396 Elephant Trunk Cepheus GE At first invisible as a nebula, but later... (mosaic)
IC 1848 Soul Nebula Cassiopeia GN/OC The galactic nebulae IC 1848, IC 1805, and IC 1795 (also named NGC 896) form a larger nebulosity region in the constellation Cassiopeia, not far away from the Perseus Double Cluster NGC 869/884.
IC 2177 Seagull Nebula Monoceros GNE Reddish nebula; alone (not together with M 50)
M 1 Crab Nebula Taurus SR Nice, but small
M 31 Andromeda Galaxy with M 32 and M 110 Andromeda G Closest galaxy; with Vespera best as a mosaic in order to capture all three galaxies at once
M 33 Triangulum Galaxy Triangulum G Second closest galaxy behind the Andromeda Galaxy; many HII regions
M 34  


OC Large and nice open star cluster, reminds me of M 41
M 35 Together with NGC 2158 and IC 2156/2157 Gemini OC Nice open star cluster, together with the open star clusters NGC 2158 and IC 2156/2157
M 36   Auriga OC Nice open star cluster together with IC 410 and further DSO (NGC 1931, IC 417, NGC 1893 )
M 41   Canis Major OC Large and nice open star cluster, reminds me of M 34; not as dense as M 35-38
M 42/43 Orion Nebula Orion OC Nebula nicely captured; with mosaics sometimes also NGC 1977 and/or NGC 1980 are on the photo.
M 44 Prasesepe, Crib, Behive Cluster Cancer OC Very large, starge were large on that day
M 45 Pleiades, Seven Sisters Taurus OC Too large for a regular photo with Vespera, but fits a mosaic; hints of the nebulae in M 45 recognizable...
M 46 Includes NGC 2438 (PN) Puppis OC Includes NGC 2438 (PN)
M 47   Puppis OC Large, contains some bright stars
M 48   Hydra OC Large, many bright stars, at the center many nearby stars...
M 50


Monoceros OC Nice large open star cluster with many fine and some bright stars
M 67   Cancer OC Large, stars were large on that day
M 74   Pisces G Nice spiral galaxy, but in the Vespera just a faint dot/glow...
M 77   Cetus G Spiral galaxy, a bit more to see than with M 74, but in the end just a soft dot in the Vespera
M 78 With NGC 2071 Orion GE Very nice to see with Vespera, together with NGC 2071
Mel 25 Hyades Taurus OC Too large even for the Vespera's mosaic mode
NGC 40 Bow Tie Nebula Cepheus PN Violet dot with white central star
NGC 147 Together with NGC 185 Cassiopeia G Elliptical dwarf galaxy; forms a gravitationally connected galaxy pair with NGC 185
NGC 185 Together with NGC 147 Cassiopeia G Elliptical dwarf galaxy; forms a gravitationally connected galaxy pair with NGC 147
NGC 281 Pacman Nebula, with IC 1590 Cassiopeia GE Larger reddish nebula with embedded star cluster IC 1590
NGC 752   Andromeda OC Large, loose open star cluster (alone and with NGC 797 and NGC 801 in a mosaic)
NGC 1499 California Nebula Perseus GN Red nebula that I really saw with the Vespera for the first time
NGC 1502 Kemble's Cascade Camelopardis A/OC Kemble's Cascade ends on one side with the open star cluster NGC 1502.
NGC 2024 Flame Nebula Orion GN Together with B 33 in a mosaic; there is also NGC 2023 on the photo
NGC 2141   Orion OC Nice, but not much known open star cluster in Orion
NGC 2264 Cone Nebula/Christmas Tree Cluster; with NGC 2261 in mosaic Monoceros DN+OC Normal: Very disturbed by clouds; strong Walking Pattern noise; with Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 in a mosaic
NGC 2392 Eskimo Nebula Gemini PN Round light blue spot with white dot in it
NGC 2403   Camelopardis G Spiral galaxy that is regarded as one of the best galaxies for small telescopes; unclear why Messier overlooked it; fairly impressive in the eVs.
NGC 2419 Intergalactic Wanderer Lynx GC Small, still in the Milky Way...
NGC 7000 North America Nebula Cygnus GN Only partly visible; together with IC 5070 as a mosaic

G = galaxy, GaC = galaxy cluster, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, GE = galactic emission nebula, GR = galactic reflection nebula, DN = dark nebula, C = comet, PN = planetary nebula, SP = star pattern, A = Asterism, SR = Supernova remnant, HII = HII region (emission nebula in other galaxies)




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