Vaonis Vespera - Photo Gallery (Multiple DSO)

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On the gallery pages, I also present my "most interesting" photos taken with my Vaonis Vespera. This page shows multiple DSO that can be jointly seen in the FOV of the Vespera. The images include mosaic versions.

Note: As I sold my Vespera in June 2024, no more new photos will be added.

Gallery pages: Photo Gallery (My Nicest Photos) - Photo Gallery (Messier Catalog) - Photo Gallery (NGC and More...) - Photo Gallery (Multiple DSO)



This page shows multiple DSO that can be jointly seen in the FOV of the Vespera (mostly presented only for one of the objects). Most of these images are also shown on other Gallery pages.

Note: The frames were exposed with 10 seconds unless noted otherwise.



B 33 (Horse Head Nebula) with NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula) (Orion)


B 33 and NGC 2024, Jan 29, 2023 - large, 5700s, mosaic, processed (PSE), rotated


Ditto - large, photo left processed (DN)


NGC 2024 and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed


NGC 2024 and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, photo left additionally post-processed with DeNoise AI

IC 405 (Flaming Star Nebula) with IC 410 (Auriga)


IC 405& IC 410, April 9, 2023 - original, 3h, mosaic, Dual Band Filter


IC 405 & IC 410, April 9, 2023 - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)


IC 405 & IC 410, April 14, 2023 - original, 1.5/2.5h, mosaic, CLS Filter


IC 405 & IC 410, April 14, 2023 - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)

IC 410 and M 36 (plus NGC 1931, IC 417, NGC 1893) (Auriga)


IC 410 & M 36, Feb 29, 2024 - original, 6830s, mosaic, CLS Filter


IC 410 & M 36, Feb 29, 2024 - large, 6830s, mosaic, CLS Filter, processed (PSE, DN)

M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy) and M 32 (Satellite of Andromeda Galaxy) (Andromeda)


M 31, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 710s


M 32 (center), Aug 12, 2022 - original, 80s


M 31, Oct 17, 2022 - original, 1830s


M 31, Oct 17, 2022 - large, photo left processed

M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy), M 32, and M 110 (Satellites of the Andromeda Galaxy) (Andromeda)


M 31, Oct 27, 2022 - mosaic with M 32 and M 110, original, 2900s


Ditto, cropped and processed - large


M 31/32/110, Jan 28, 2024 - original (341 frames = 3410s), mosaic, CLS Filter


M 31/32/110, Jan 28, 2024 - large (341 frames = 3410s), mosaic, CLS Filter, processed

M 36 and M 38 (plus IC 417, NGC 1907, NGC 1931) (Auriga)


M 36/38, Feb 7, 2023 - original, mosaic


Ditto, evaluation with

M 36 and IC 410 (plus NGC 1931, IC 417, NGC 1893)


M 36 & IC 410, Feb 29, 2024 - original, 6830s, mosaic, CLS Filter


M 36 & IC 410, Feb 29, 2024 - large, 6830s, mosaic, CLS Filter, processed (PSE, DN)


Evaluation with

M 42/43 (Orion Nebula), NGC 1977 (Running Man Nebula), and NGC 1980 (Lost Jewel of Orion) (Orion)


M 42/43 with NGC 1977 and NGC 1980, Jan 18, 2023 - large, 2410s, mosaic, processed, square section


Ditto, lights made 50% darker


Ditto, lights made 100% darker

M 42/43 (Orion Nebula) with NGC 1977 (Running Man Nebula), NGC 1980 (Lost Jewel of Orion), and NGC 1981 (Coal Car Cluster) (Orion)


M 42/43 with NGC 1977, NGC 1980, and NGC 1981 (at the top), Jan 18, 2023 - original, 2410s, mosaic


M 42/43 with NGC 1977, NGC 1980, and NGC 1981 (at the top), Jan 18, 2023 - large, processed

From top to bottom: NGC 1981, NGC 1977, M 42/43, NGC 1980

M 46 with NGC 2438 (Puppis)


M 46/NGC 2438, Mar 25, 2024 - original, 890s


M 46/NGC 2438, Mar 25, 2024 - large, photo left processed

M 46/47 with NGC 2423, NGC 2425, NGC 2438 (Puppis)


M 47 and M 46/NGC 2438 - Feb 13, 2023, original, 3150s, mosaic


Ditto, evaluation with

M 50 (Monoceros) and NGC 2177 (Seagull Nebula, Monoceros)


IC 2177 and M 50, 8.2.2023 - original, 3430s, mosaic with M 50


IC 2177 and M 50, Feb 8, 2023 - large, photo left processed

M 51 (Whirlpool Galaxy) and NGC 5195 (Canes Venatici)


M 51, Aug 7, 2022 - original, 1220s


M 51, Aug 16, 2022 - original, 1810s

M 52 and NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula) (Cassiopeia)

M 52 and NGC 7635, Aug 25, 2022 - original, 940s

M 65/66 and NGC 3628 (Leo Triplet; Leo)


M 65 and M 66 with NGC 3628 (Leo Triplet) - Jun 7, 2023, 2390s, original


M 65 and M 66 with NGC 3628 (Leo Triplet) - Jun 6, 2023, HD section from mosaic, 2880s, large

M 81/82 (Bode Galaxy, Cigar Galaxy); M 81 and NGC 3077 (Ursa Major)


M 81/82, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 600s


M 81 and NGC 3077, Aug 28, 2022 - original, 900s


M 81, M 82, NGC 3077, Aug 12/28, 2022 - collage


M 84/86 (Geat Galactic Face; Virgo - Markarian's Chain)


Markarian's Chain - May 18, 2023, mosaic, original


Ditto, processed with DeNoise, large


Evaluation with


Evaluation with, large

M 87, M 89, M 90, and M 58 with NGC 4567/68 (Siamese Twins) (Virgo)


M 87, 89, 90, 58 with NGC 4567/68 - Jun 9, 2023, 6970s, mosaic, original


M 87, 89, 90, 58 with NGC 4567/68 - evaluation by, large

The four Messier galaxies M 58, M 87, M 89, and M 90 form a triangle in the Vespera mosaic with a bright dot in the center. M 87 is the lower right edge of the triangle. At the bottom left, there are the Siamese Twins NGC 4567/68.

M 95, M 96 and M 105 & Many Small Galaxies (Leo)


M 95, M 96, M 105 and more, May 30, 2023 - mosaic, processed, large, 2520s

  Evaluation with

Small galaxies in the mosaic: NGC 3345, NGC 3346, NGC 3357, NGC 3367, NGC 3377, NGC 3384, NGC 3389, NGC 3391 (see evaluation)


M 95, M 96, M 105 and more, May 31, 2023 - mosaic, processed, large, 2310s

  Evaluation with

Small galaxies in the mosaic: IC 643, NGC 3345, NGC 3384, NGC 3389 (see evaluation)

M 97 and M 108 (Ursa Major)

M 97 (left) and M 108 (right), Aug 28, 2022 - original, 610s

M 99 (Coma Berenices) and M 100 (Coma Berenices)


M 99 (b.r.) with M 100 (t.l.), Jun 8, 2023 - original, 3600s, mosaic


M 99 (b.r.) with M 100 (t.l.), Jun 8, 2023 - large, processed


Evaluation with, large

Further galaxies: IC 781, IC 783, IC 3177, IC 3238, IC 3244, NGC 4262, NGC 4298, NGC 4302, NGC 4322, NGC 4223, NGC 4328, NGC 4312

M 103 (Cassiopeia)


M 103ff, Nov 1, 2022 - original, 3650s, mosaic

  Evaluation by

Also on the photo: NGC 654, NGC 659 und NGC 663

NGC 884/869 (Perseus Double Cluster; Perseus)

NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 430s

NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula) and B 33 (Horse Head Nebula) (Orion)


B 33 and NGC 2024, Jan 29, 2023 - large, 5700s, mosaic, processed (PSE), rotated


Ditto - large, photo left processed (DN)


NGC 2024 and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed


NGC 2024 and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, photo left additionally post-processed with DeNoise AI

NGC 4567/68 (Siamese Twins) with M 58, M 87, M 89, M 90 (Virgo)


NGC 4567/68 with M 58, 87, 89, 90 - Jun 9, 2023, 6970s, mosaic, original


NGC 4567/68 with M 58, 87, 89, 90 - evaluation with, large

The four Messier galaxies M 58, M 87, M 89, and M 90 form a triangle in the Vespera mosaic with a bright dot in the center. M 87 is the lower right edge of the triangle. At the bottom left, there are the Siamese Twins NGC 4567/68.

NGC 6939 and NGC 6946 (Superman Galaxy) (Cepheus)

NGC 6939 and NGC 6946, Aug 25, 2022 - original, 900s

NGC 6960 and NGC 6992 (Cirrus Nebula; Cygnus)


NGC 6992/6960 mosaic, Oct 30, 2022 - original, 3680s

  Ditto, processed, original

NGC 7000 (North America Nebula) and IC 5070 (Pelican Nebula) (Cygnus)


NGC 7000 and IC 5070, Oct 27, 2022 - original, 2620s, mosaic


NGC 7000, Oct 27, 2022 - large, 2620s, photo left processed


NGC 7000 and IC 5070, Nov 10, 2022 - original, 7210s, mosaic


NGC 7000 and IC 5070, Nov 10, 2022 - large, 7210s, mosaic, photo left processed


NGC 7000 and IC 5070, Jan 11, 2024 - original (363 frames = 3630s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter


NGC 7000 and IC 5070, Jan 11, 2024 - large (363 frames = 3630s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed

NGC 7317 (Stephan's Quintet; Pegasus) and NGC 7331 (Pegasus)


NGC 7331 & SQ/NGC 7317, Aug 25, 2022 - original (90 frames = 900 seconds)

  Evaluation with

Galaxies close to NGC 7331: IC 1450, NGC 7325, NGC 7326, NGC 7327, NGC 7333 (double star), NGC 7335, NGC 7336, NGC 7337, NGC 7338 (double star), NGC 7340

NGC 7635 and M 52 (Bubble Nebula; Cassiopeia)

NGC 7635 and M 52, Aug 25, 2022 - original, 940s




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