Deep Sky Summer Observations 2018

Observation Conditions | Observation Overview | List of Observed Sky Objects | References

From May to mid-September 2018, I conducted simple "summer" deep sky observations, which might be of interest to other beginners and are therefore described here. These observations are quite a mishmash, though, because on the one hand I wanted to compare my Maksutov tubes, and on the other hand I wanted to try out my new refractor and compare it with the Heritage 100P...


Observation Conditions

Sky Region and Objects

I restricted myself mostly to the sky region in the South-West. In the course of several months, this changed considerably, of course... An overview map does not make much sense for such a long period of time, therefore here is none...

Observation Time

It was sufficiently dark for deep sky objects only after about 9 p.m.

Observation Location

Most of the observations were conducted in Mühlhausen/Kraichgau (Germany):

Devices Used

So this time we observed "manually" without any GoTo control!

General Conditions

The moon appeared on the sky at times, but did not disturb my observations. In general, the sky above Mühlhausen/Kraichgau is "light-polluted" and does not invite you to search for Deep Sky objects.


Observation Overview

Observations Details, Remarks Further Observations and Remarks Devices Used Eyepieces Used
May 6 OC: M 44 (Praesepe), M 67 Cancer: M 44 (Praesepe) seen in 100P, Skymax-102, TS binoculars; M 67: guessed in TS binoculars Some constellations visited... Heritage 100P, Skymax-102, TS binoculars ???
Aug 2 GC: M 13 Hercules: M 13   TS binoculars  
Aug 3 GC: M 13
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
Hercules: M 13
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
Observed the Milky Way TS binoculars  
Aug 10 GC: M 13
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
Hercules: M 13 (TS binoculars, Skymax-127 with different eyepieces)
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger; in TS binoculars)

Skymax-127, TS binoculars

32 mm Plössl, 16 mm, 10mm and probably 7 mm
Aug 11 GC: M 13
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
Hercules: M 13 - TS-Fernglas, im OM21-Fernglas erahnt...
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Kleiderbügel) - im TS gesehen, im OM21-Fernglas teilweise...
Observed the Milky Way and several constellations with thw OM21 binoculars TS binoculars, OM21 binoculars  
Aug 14 GC: M 13
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
Hercules: M 13 - in TS binoculars, in OM21 binoculars guessed, in Skymax-102 seen with eyepieces downto 7 mm herab, and in the 100P...
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger) - seen in binoculars, partly seen in OM21 binoculars
  Heritage 100P, Skymax-102, TS binoculars 32 mm downto 7 mm
Aug 19 GC: M 56
PN: M 57 (Ring Nebula)
DS: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
Lyra: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
Skymax-127: 4 stars visible from about 100 x up; 150 x at maximum; Skymax-102: 4 stars visible from about 100 x up; 130 x and 180 x at maximum
Lyra: M 57 (Ring Nebula)
Skymax-127: up to 150 x (24, 16, 10 mm; nebula disk, almost seen the ring shape; Skymax-102: up to 130 x; eyepieces of 24, 16, 10 mm; nearly the same as Skymax-127...
Lyra: M 56 (GC)
Skymax-127: globular cluster very faint (between Lyra and Albireo); Skymax-102: ditto, even fainter as in the Skymax-127
All in all, everything seen with the Skymax-102 as well, but a tiny bit better in the Symax-127

Everything very high up in the sky and difficult to find, but with exact preparation nevertheless possible...

Skymax-127, Skymax-102 24 mm, 16 mm, 10 mm
Aug 20 DS: Alcor & Mizar, Albireo Ursa Major: Alcor & Mizar (DS) seen well in both telescope
Cygnus: Albireo (DS) seen well in both telescope
Observed only double stars Skymax-127, Skymax-102 24 mm and shorter
Aug 21 DS: Alcor & Mizar, Albireo, eps Lyrae (Double Double) Ursa Major: Alcor & Mizar (DS) - Mizar not separable
Cygnus: Albireo (DS) not separable
Lyra: eps Lyrae (Double Double) - only two stars seen
Ditto, this time with the TS binoculars TS binoculars  
Sep 8 GC: M 13 Hercules: M 13 (GC) seen very nice   Skymax-127 24 mm, 16 mm
Sep 9 G: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
DS: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
Andromeda: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy) seen OM21 binoculars, seen better in TS binoculars
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger) - partly seen in OM21 binoculars, seen much better in TS binoculars
Lyra: eps Lyrae (Double Double) - only two stars seen
Again, only a "binoculars" day... TS binoculars, OM21 binoculars  
Sep 11 G: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
GC: M 13, M 92
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
DS: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
Andromeda: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
Hercules: M 13 (GC), M 92 (GC)
Vulpecula: Cr 399
Lyra: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
First use of the PS72/432; everything seen beautifully with it; ditto with the TS binoculars, also everything seen beautifully... That is, everything seen with both devices. PS 72/432 on AZ Pronto mount, TS binoculars 24 mm and shorter
Sep 12 G: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy)
GC: M 13
P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
PN: M 57 (Ring Nebula)
DS: eps Lyrae (Double Double)
Andromeda: M 31 (Andromeda Galaxy) seen with PS72, 100P, TS binoculars
Hercules: M 13 (KS) seen with PS72 and 100P
Lyra: eps Lyrae (Double Double) seperated in PS72 at 108 x, similar with 100P); M 57 (Ring Nebula: ring not recognized; PS72 and 100P)
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger) seen with PS72, 100P, TS binoculars
PS72: 2 x focal extender does not come into focus, ditto 10 mm eyepiece
PS72/100P: often observed the same object at a similar magnification (7 mm > 16+2x; 4 mm > 7+2x; both used with 24 and 16, 7, 4 mm)
Overall, the PS72 is more contrasty and sharper; at high magnifications the image in the 100P may be brighter (larger exit pupil), DSOs may be brighter than in the PS72
Heritage 100P, PS 72/432 on AZ Pronto mount, TS binoculars 24 mm, 16 mm, 7 mm, 4 mm, 2/3 x focal extender
Sep 15 P: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger)
PN: M 27(Dumbbell Nebula)
DS: Albireo
Vulpecula: Cr 399 (Coat Hanger) - PS72 with 24 mm, 100P; M 27 (Dumbbell Nebula) seen at different magnifications up to 108 x (oval faint diffuse glow)
Cygnus: Albireo (separable already with 24 mm eyepiece)
PS72: 3 x focal extender comes into focus, even with the 10 mm eyepiece
PS72/100P: often observed the same object (except for Albireo) at similar magnification (see the day before);
high magnifications on the moon do not seem to be quite as sharp as with the PS72, but as focusing is fiddly, focusing might be the cause for this...
Heritage 100P, PS 72/432 on AZ Pronto mount 24 mm, 16 mm, 7 mm, 4 mm, 2/3 x focal extender

Bold: First observation during this observation period; PN = planetary nebula, GC = globular star cluster, OC = open star cluster, P = star pattern (asterism), DS = double star


List of Observed Sky Objects

Object details can be obtained via the links to the relevant deep sky objects.

DSO Details
Name Constellation Type Bino 100P SM102 SM127 PS72 Remarks
Alkor & Mizar double star Ursa Major DS TS   yes yes   Mizar not separable in binoculars
M 13 Herkules Globular Cluster Hercules KS TS, OM21 yes yes yes yes seen well, even in the TS binoculars with two accompanying stars; these were just one dot in the OM21 binoculars
M 92 globular cluster Hercules KS         yes hard to find for me, smaller than M 13
eps Lyrae Double Double Lyra DS TS   yes yes  

only up from a magnification of 100 x, I was able to see 4 stars; only two stars visible in binoculars

M 57 Ring Nebula Lyra PN   yes     yes nebula disk, almost seen as a ring...
M 56   Lyra OS   yes     yes only very faint
Albireo double star Cygnus DS TS   yes yes yes beautiful, not separable in binoculars, but from a magnification of nearly 20 x up in telescopes
Cr 399 Coat Hanger Vulpecula SM TS, OM21 yes     yes best to observe in binoculars, but only partly in the OM21 binoculars
M 27 Dumbbell Nebula Vulpecula PN   yes     yes oval faint diffuse glow
M 31 Andromeda Galaxy Andromeda KS TS, OM21 yes     yes already visible in binoculars (the core)
M 44 Praesepe Cancer OS TS yes yes     seen very nicely
M 67   Cancer OS TS         only a "guess"...

G = Galaxy, PN = planetary nebula, OC = open star cluster, GC = globular star cluster, P = star pattern (asterism), DS = double star




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