Vaonis Vespera - Orion, Taurus, Monoceros, Eridanus

Introduction | DSO in Orion | DSO in Taurus | DSO in Monoceros | DSO in Eridanus | Links


On my Vespera constellation pages I present objects that are located in the corresponding constellations. This page shows DSO in the constellations Orion, Taurus, Monoceros, and Eridanus.

Note: As I sold my Vespera in June 2024, no more new photos will be added.

Constellation pages: Orion, Taurus, Monoceros, Eridanus - Gemini, Auriga - Cassiopeia - Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula, Sagitta - Andromeda, Triangulum, Perseus - Cepheus - Leo, Cancer - Virgo, Coma Berenices



On my Vespera constellation pages I present objects that are located in the corresponding constellations. These pages are intended to help you see neighboring DSOs in context. In the case of several constellations, these lie next to each other so that the photos cover a coherent area of the sky.

This page shows DSO in the constellations Orion, Taurus, and Monoceros, and Eridanus. This region can be regarded as the "Winter sky". More photos can be found on the DSO detail pages (click the corresponding link).

Note: Where possible, I selected photos on which several objects can be seen at the same time.

Overview of the sky region (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


DSO in Orion

B 33 (Horse Head Nebula) with NGC 2024 (Flame Nebula) and NGC 2023


B 33, NGC 2023, and NGC 2024, Jan 29, 2023 - large, 5700s, mosaic, processed (PSE), rotated


Ditto - large, photo left processed (DN)


NGC 2024, NGC 2023, and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (PSE)


NGC 2024 and B 33, Jan 29, 2023 - large (1910 s), mosaic, Dual Band Filter, additionally post-processed (DN)

NGC 2023 is located to the left slightly above the Horsehead Nebula B33 in extension of the dark area of the Flame Nebula NGC 2024.

NGC 1977 (Running Man Nebula), NGC 1980 (Lost Jewel of Orion), and NGC 1981 (Coal Car Cluster) near M 42/43 (Orion Nebula)


M 42/43 with NGC 1977, NGC 1980, and NGC 1981 (at the top), Jan 18, 2023 - original, 2410s, mosaic


M 42/43 with NGC 1977, NGC 1980, and NGC 1981 (at the top), Jan 18, 2023 - large, processed

From top to bottom: NGC 1981, NGC 1977, M 42/43, NGC 1980

M 78 with NGC 2071


M 78 with NGC 2071 (to the left), Feb 7, 2023 - original, 2120s

  M 78 with NGC 2071, Feb 7, 2023 - large, photo left processed

NGC 2071 is located slightly above M 78 on the left.

NGC 2141


NGC 2141, Mar 25, 2024, original, 1230s


NGC 2141, Mar 25, 2024 - large, photo left processed

NGC 2169 (Little Pleiades, 37 Cluster) with NGC 2194


NGC 2169, Feb 12, 2023 - original, 3540s


NGC 2169, Feb 12, 2023 - large, photo left processed


Evaluation with


NGC 2174 (Monkey Head Nebula; Orion)


NGC 2174, Feb 12, 2023 - original, 600s


NGC 2174, Feb 12, 2023 - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)


NGC 2174, Apr 5, 2023 - Original, Mosaik, 35min, CLS Filter


NGC 2174, Apr 5, 2023 - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)


DSO in Taurus

M 1


M 1, Jan 9, 2024 - original (179 frames = 1790s)


M 1, Jan 9, 2024 - large, photo left processed

M 45 (Pleiades)


M 45, Feb 6, 2023 - large, 2440s, mosaic, processed (PSE)


M 45, Feb 6, 2023 - large, processed (DN)


M 45, Jan 9, 2024 - large, 1880s, small mosaic, processed (PSE)


M 45, Jan 9, 2024 - large, processed (DN)

Mel 25 (Hyades)


Mel 25 (Hyades), Jan 29, 2024 - original, mosaic, 2090s (1/2 turn)


Mel 25 (Hyades), Jan 29, 2024 - large, mosaic, 2090s (1/2 turn), processed


DSO in Monoceros

IC 446/47 (NGC 447 = Dreyer's Nebula)

Section (upper part of a NGC 2264 mosaic): IC446, IC 447 (= IC 2169), NGC 2245, NGC 2247 - large, denoised

IC 2177 (Seagull Nebula)


IC 2177, Feb 8, 2023 - original, 1430s


Ditto, large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)


IC 2177 Feb 12, 2023 - original, 900s, small mosaic


Ditto - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)

M 50


M 50 - Mar 26, 2024, original, 930s


M 50 - Mar 26, 2024, large, photo left processed

NGC 2237-39/46 (Rosette Nebula) und NGC 2244 (Cluster in Rosette Nebula)


NGC 2244 and Rosette Nebula, Feb 8, 2023 - original, 1970s, mosaic


Ditto - large, photo left processed (PSE, DN)


NGC 2244 and Rosette Nebula, Apr 3, 2023 - large, 1850s, mosaic, CLS Filter, processed (PSE, DN)


NGC 2244 and Rosette Nebula, Apr 3, 2023 - large, 2520s, mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (PSE, DN)

NGC 2264 (Christmas Tree Cluster and Cone Nebula), NGC 2261


NGC 2264 (left) with NGC 2261 (top right), Mar 28, 2024 - original, 2250s, small mosaic, Dual Band Filter


NGC 2264 (left) with NGC 2261 (top right), Mar 28, 2024 - large, 2250s, small mosaic, Dual Band Filter, photo left processed (PSE)


Ditto, photo additionally processed (DN) - large


Ditto, photo additionally processed (DN+PSE) - large

Hubble's Variable Nebula NGC 2261 is located at the upper right.


DSO in Eridanus

IC 2118 (Witch Head Nebula)


IC 2118 - Feb 8, 2023


IC 2118 - Feb 8, 2023, photo left processed


IC 2118 - Feb 8, 2023, photo on top more aggressively processed


IC 2118 - Feb 8, 2023, photo left processed with DN




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