Vaonis Vespera - Cassiopeia

Introduction | DSO in Cassiopeia | DSO in Perseus | DSO in Cepheus | Links


On my Vespera constellation pages I present objects that are located in the corresponding constellations. This page shows DSO in the constellation of Cassiopeia, plus the Perseus Double Cluster NGC 884/869 and the planetary nebula NGC 40 (Cepheus), which are nearby.

Note: As I sold my Vespera in June 2024, no more new photos will be added.

Constellation pages: Orion, Taurus, Monoceros, Eridanus - Gemini, Auriga - Cassiopeia - Cygnus, Lyra, Vulpecula, Sagitta - Andromeda, Triangulum, Perseus - Cepheus - Leo, Cancer - Virgo, Coma Berenices



On my Vespera constellation pages I present objects that are located in the corresponding constellations. These pages are intended to help you see neighboring DSOs in context. In the case of several constellations, these lie next to each other so that the photos cover a coherent area of the sky.

This page shows DSO in the constellation of Cassiopeia (the sky "W"), plus the Perseus Double Cluster NGC 884/869 and the planetary nebula NGC 40 (Cepheus), which are nearby. More photos can be found on the DSO detail pages (click the corresponding link).

Note: Where possible, I selected photos on which several objects can be seen at the same time.

Overview of the sky region (Image Courtesy of SkySafari Astronomy,


DSO in Cassiopeia

IC 1805 (Heart Nebula)


IC 1805, Nov 1, original, 3750s, mosaic


IC 1805, Nov 1, large, photo left processed


IC 1805, Feb 20, 2023 - original, 3270s, mosaic, Dual Band Filter


IC 1805, 20.2.2023 - large, photo left processed

IC 1848 (Soul Nebula)


IC 1848, Jan 9, 2024 - original (3260s), mosaic


IC 1848, Jan 9, 2024 - large (3260s), mosaic, processed


IC 1848, Jan 10, 2024 - large (2550s), small mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (PSE)


IC 1848, Jan 10, 2024 - large (2550s), small mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (DN)

M 52 and NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula)

M 52 and NGC 7635, Aug 25, 2022 - original, 940s

M 103, NGC 654, NGC 659, and NGC 663


M 103ff, Nov 1, 2022 - original, 3650s, mosaic

  Evaluation by

Also on the photo: NGC 654, NGC 659, and NGC 663

NGC 185, NGC 147


NGC 185 & NGC 147 - Jan 9, 2024, original (1890s), mosaic


NGC 185 & NGC 147 - Jan 9, 2024, large (1890s), mosaic, photo left processed

NGC 281 (Pacman Nebula)


NGC 281, Nov 1, 2022 - original (128 frames = 1280s)


NGC 281, Nov 1, 2022 - large (128 frames = 1280s), photo left processed (PSE, DN)


NGC 281, Jan 10, 2024 - large (204 frames = 2040s), small mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (PSE)


NGC 281, Jan 10, 2024 - large (204 frames = 2040s), small mosaic, Dual Band Filter, processed (DN)

NGC 457 (Owl Cluster/E.T. Cluster)

NGC 457, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 300s

NGC 654/659/663


NGC 654ff, Nov 1, 2022 - original, 3650s


Evaluation by

NGC 7635 (Bubble Nebula) and M 52

NGC 7635 and M 52, Aug 25, 2022 - original, 940s

NGC 7789 (White Rose Cluster)

NGC 7789, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 240s


DSO in Perseus

NGC 884/869 (Perseus Double Cluster)

NGC 884/869, Aug 12, 2022 - original, 430s


DSO in Cepheus

NGC 40

NGC 40 - Jan 9, 2024, 950s, original




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