Galaxies - Leo

Introduction | Galaxies (Messier) | Galaxies (NGC) | Large-FOV Photos | Links

On this page I show photos of galaxies from the "larger region" Leo, which I took with different cameras. Partially, I have had the photos evaluated and labeled by, so that one can find the larger galaxies more easily.

See also:



From April to June it is "galaxy time", and so I photograph and observe more galaxies during this time. With the eVscope, this means that because of the small field of view (about the size of the moon), I generally get only one galaxy on a photo; only in exceptional cases it can be more. Since acquiring the ZWO ASI294, however, I can take larger fields of view; on the PS 72/432 refractor, for example, I get a field of view of a good 2.5° x 1.7° - the largest I can achieve with my equipment. As a result, depending on the area of sky in which it was taken, a photograph may contain a large number of galaxies, most of which are very small. However, because of the large field of view, even the larger galaxies in the photos are quite small.

On this page I show galaxies, partly alone, partly together with a few others, and partly on overview photos, on which one can recognize the galaxies only with difficulty. Such photos I let evaluate and label by, so that one finds the larger galaxies more easily.

This page is dedicated to the "larger region " Leo (only larger galaxies are shown in the following map):

Map: Larger galaxies in the constellation Leo

Larger galaxies: M 65, M 66, M 95, M 96, M 105, NGC 2903, NGC 3344, NGC 3484, NGC 3607, NGC 3628

The following map shows more galaxies (it is, however, very subjective how many galaxies one includes in the map...):

Map: Galaxies in the constellation Leo, including some smaller galaxies


Galaxies (Messier)

Messier Galaxies: M 65, M 66, M 95, M 96, M 105

The following photos were taken with the eVscope:


M 65 (right, with M 66)


M 66 (left, with M 65)


M 95


M 96


M 105 (with NGC 3384 and NGC 3389)



Galaxies (NGC)

NGC Galaxies: NGC 2903, NGC 3190, NGC 3227/26, NGC 3344, NGC 3484/89, NGC 3607/08/05, NGC 3628, NGC 3842

The following photos were taken with the eVscope:


NGC 2903


NGC 3190 (Leo Quartet/Hickson 44)


NGC 3227/26 (Arp 94 or Holm 187)


NGC 3344


NGC 3384/89 (left of M 105, NGC 3389 below NGC 3384)


NGC 3607/08/05


NGC 3628


NGC 3842 (Abell 1637, Leo Galaxy Cluster*)


Result of the object search* with

*) Galaxies found: NGC 3861, NGC 3860, NGC 3837, NGC 3851, NGC 3842, NGC 3841, NGC 3845, NGC 3844, NGC 3840


Large-FOV Photos

The following rich-field photos were taken with the ZWO ASI294 camera at the PS 72/432 refractor (field of view 2.5° x 1.7°; controlled by StellarMate; AZ-GTi mount). Details of the galaxies are hardly visible on the photos, but many other smaller galaxies are.

Note: It is quite instructive to display the large versions of a photo (photo and analysis with side by side in tabs in the Web browser. Then you can switch between the tabs and thus "turn on and off" the captions.

Galaxies: M 65, M 66, M 95, M 96, M 105, NGC 3345, NGC 3367, NGC 3384/89, NGC 3412, NGC 3628

Leo-Triplett (M 65, M 66, NGC 3628)


Leo Triplet - April 28, 2022, processed


Leo Triplet - April 28, 2022, processed, section

The Leo Triplet consists of the galaxies M 65 (center, top), M 66 (center, bottom) and NGC 3628 (bottom left)

M 95, M 96


M 95/96 - April 18, 2022, processed


M 95/96 - April 18, 2022, processed, evaluated with

M 105 is located in constellation Leo and in the proximity of the galaxies M 95 and M 96 in the same constellation. On April 18, 2022, I was able to get M 95, M 96, and M 105 together on one photo.

Larger galaxies: M 95, M 96, M 105, NGC 3345, NGC 3384/89

M 105, M 96


M 105 + M 96 - April 28, 2022, processed


M 105 + M 96 - April 28, 2022, processed, evaluated with

M 105 is located in constellation Leo and in the proximity of the galaxies M 95 and M 96 in the same constellation. M 95 did not make it on the photo; I should have accessed M 96 instead of M 105!

Larger galaxies: M 105, M 96 (, M 95), NGC 3367, NGC 3384/89, NGC 3412




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