Sony RX100 M4: Unboxing

Unboxing Photos | The Camera

It has become a "stupid habit" to show unboxing photos or videos of luxury articles such as Apple computers or Leica cameras. Admittedly, the unboxing of our Sony RX100 M1 and my Ricoh cameras and modules wasn't that great an experience. Nevertheless, I here present photos of unboxing the Sony RX100 M4. In the end, we all want to know what's in the box, but I have to concede that my photos do not reveal all the details such as the cables and manuals...


Unboxing Photos

This is what DPD brought and what I will unpack in the following:


The parcel




Parcel opened...


...and protective paper removed


The camera box was in a plastic bag


The camera box



Ditto, opened  

Lid opened...


...and manuals etc. removed


View of the box content


Box content


Ditto without manuals


Camera taken out of the bag


Ditto, rear view of the camera


The Camera

And finally, here it is, my new Sony RX100 M4:

Figure: The Sony RX100 M4


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