Leica M (Typ 240): My Equipment

Status Beginning of End of October 2015 | Additions | Photos of the Camera | Camera in ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 25i Bag


On this page, I present my Leica M (Typ 250) equipment (status: end of November 2016). Please note that the purpose for showing my equipment is to give recommendations to other Leica M users or prospective users, not to boast with what I own.

I bought a used Leica M (Typ 240) because I had acquired a number of M-mount lenses for use with my Ricoh GXR expansion unit over the years. Now, I wanted to use them at a full-frame camera with their "intended" focal lengths. The GXR also showed its age and was no longer supported by Ricoh. Except for my Zeiss lenses, my collection comprises more or less "medium level" lenses that are/were not expensive and cover a focal length range from 15 mm to 135 mm.

Note: I present my M-mount lenses for space reasons in a different place.


Status End of October 2015

Here is my Leica M (Typ 240) equipment from the end of October 2015, or better, the things that I do use (see the note on lenses below):

Photo: My Leica M (Typ 240) equipment (status: end of October, 2015)


Note: This is not the complete set of accessories supplied with the camera.


For a list of my M-mount lenses, details, and photos of them alone and attached to the camera, see my pages covering my lenses.


Additions ...


Photos of the Camera

Leica M (Typ 240) "naked" (only with Peak Design anchors):


Leica M (Typ 240) "fully equipped" (with half case, Peak Design anchors and strap, EVF, and lens):



Camera in ThinkTank Mirrorless Mover 25i Bag


Closed bag


The magnets...


Camera with two additional lenses in the bag


Ditto, closer look - bottom right the EVF on top of the battery


Ditto, front case opened - caps and an extension ring


Camera with three additional lenses (two are one above the other)


Camera with halfcase - everything is getting a bit tighter...



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