Photos of the Moon with Heritage P130 - 2010

In April 2010, I was finally able to make some photos of the moon with my new Sky-Watcher Heritage P130 Dobsonian telescope. Again, the interesting question was: Would the new equipment show in the results? To make it short: I think, yes!

My new Ricoh GXR is also a digicam that I can hold at the eyepiece, using the 1:50 method; I used the A12 camera unit with APS-C-size sensor. Once more, it was very difficult for me to avoid vignetting. I used the following camera settings: program automatic, 800 ASA, distance fixed to infinity.

I mainly used a 15mm eyepiece, but also some others. Regrettably, I do no longer know for which photo I used which eyepiece...


April 20, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 20, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (1200 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2000 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2400 pixels)


April 23, 2010 (2000 pixels)

April 20 and 23, 2010 - Sky-Watcher Heritage P130 and Ricoh GXR with A12-50 unit


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