Sony RX100 M1 and Ricoh GR: Size and Weight Comparisons

Sony RX100 versus Ricoh GR | Size and Weight Data

Below, you will find shots, in which I compare the Sony RX100 M1 with my Ricoh GR.


Sony RX100 M1 versus Ricoh GR

Photo: Sony RX100 M1 (left) versus Ricoh GR (right) - both "off"

Photo: Sony RX100 M1 (left) versus Ricoh GR (right) - both "on"

Photo: Sony RX100 M1 (left) versus Ricoh GR (right) - both "on"

Photo: Sony RX100 M1 (left) versus Ricoh GR (right) - both "on"


Size and Weight Data

  Sony RX100 M1  Ricoh GR
Dimensions 10.16 x 5.81 x 3.59 cm / 4" x 2 3/8" x 1 7/16" (W x H x D) 11.7 x 6.1 x 3.47 cm / 4.6” x 2.4” x 1.4” (W x H x D)
Weight Approx. 213 g (7.5 US oz.), with accessories approx. 240 g (8.5 US oz.) 215 g / 7.6 oz. (body only), 245 g / 8.6 oz. (loaded and ready)


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