Sony RX100 M1: Close-Up Samples versus Leica M (Typ 240) with Novoflex Noflexar 35mm f/3.5

Set 1 | Set 2 | Set 3


On this page, I present a comparison of close-up shots that were taken with the Novoflex Noflexar 35mm f/3.5 lens (an M42 lens used with the Novoflex LEM/CO adapter) at the Leica M (Typ 240) and with my wife's Sony RX100 M1 (using focus tracking for close-up shots).

The photos show similar motifs, but typically not at the same magnification, because they were taken on different days and not really with the intention of creating comparison shots. Both cameras end up at a similar maximum magnification (about the size of a credit card), althouth the Leica/Novoflex combination has a slight edge here (which is not really significant...).


Set 1

Sony RX100 M1


Leica M (Typ 240)



Set 2

Sony RX100 M1


Leica M (Typ 240)



Set 3

Sony RX100 M1


Leica M (Typ 240)



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